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Elena Tverytnykova
Yulia Demidova
Tatyana Drozdova



Abstract. The international and European experience in creating and improving integrated systems in the field of occupational safety and health on the basis of research regulatory documents of the International Organization for Standardization, European standards, national standards of Ukraine, industry and methodical documents on management of occupational safety and health of oil and gas complex enterprises is overviewed. The implementation features of OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001 international standards to create an integrated safety management system of professional activity have been studied. The ways of implementing the analyzed requirements in the industry safety standards of occupational activity of oil and gas complex enterprises of Ukraine are considered. A number of hazardous events related to occupational activity at the enterprises: industrial safety, technogenic safety, labour hygiene and safety, ecological safety, psychophysiological safety has been considered and a generalizing scheme of dangers and hazardous events has been created. A model of an integrated management system for occupational safety activities for oil and gas enterprises is proposed based on the involvement of scientific literature, regulatory documents using the structural-logical method, systematization and generalization, and methods of meaningful and comparative analysis. It is proved that the management system, based on the principles of the cyclical model of quality management by E. Deming should include such aspects as: quality and risk management, environmental management, occupational safety management, social responsibility and power management.

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How to Cite
Tverytnykova, E., Demidova, Y., & Drozdova, T. (2021). MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AT UKRAINIAN ENTERPRISES: INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN DIMENSION. Advanced Information Systems, 5(1), 45–53.
Adaptive control methods
Author Biographies

Elena Tverytnykova, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Information and Measuring Technologies and Systems

Yulia Demidova, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant professor of pedagogy and psychology of social systems management Department

Tatyana Drozdova, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv

Senior Lecturer Department of Information and Measuring Technologies and Systems


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