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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • This submission was not previously been published and has not been submitted to other editions for review (or comments are provided below).
  • The submission file is a *.doc document, Microsoft Word 2003.
  • Mathematical formulas are created as separate objects in the Microsoft Equation or Math Type.
  • WEB-links in the text are accompanied by full correct URLs.
  • You have read the rules for writing articles in the journal "Advanced Information Systems", which are detailed in the section "About us - About the journal - Submissions - Author Guidelines".

Dear authors!

When sending an article, the Authors sign a statement to the editorial board of the journal about the possibility of publishing an article.

Articles printed in a single copy on standard paper sheets of А4 accompanied by an electronic version (.doc format, Microsoft Word 2003) on electronic media sent by e-mail (printed copy sent by mail) are accepted for consideration.

Submission of articles to the editors is free. Articles are published on a paid basis. The cost of the publication is UAH 500. Discounts are possible in agreement with the editors. All articles are checked for plagiarism. It uses Unicheck, an online plagiarism search service that checks text documents for borrowed parts of text from open sources on the Internet.

Submission of articles for journal
The manuscript volume should be at least 4 full pages in Ukrainian, Russian or English.
Page size: A4 (21 × 29.7 cm). Page setup (margins):

  • left – 2.25 cm;
  • right – 2.25 cm;
  • top – 2 cm;
  • bottom – 2.5 cm.

Body text – Times New Roman font; font size – 10 pt, line spacing - 1.0.

It is necessary to present the article in electronic form, which is finalized according to the requirements, and
with printed copy, signed by all authors.

Structure of the manuscript:

  • general problem statement and its relation to up-to-date scientific and practical tasks;
  • analysis of recent research and publications in the relevant field;
  • statement of the article tasks;
  • the main part which explaining the research conducted and obtained scientific results;
  • conclusions of the conducted research and prospects to be developed in the future works.

Abstracts of manuscript should be written in Ukrainian, English and Russian, and explain:

  • subject, theme and objective of the research;
  • method (methods) or methodology of research;
  • results of research;
  • application possibilities of research results.

The reference list should include not less than 8 sources that have been published for the past 10 years. Here-with, not less than 50 percent of sources should be from foreign journals. Self-citation of the authors in the list of references should not exceed 30 percent. If the basic language of the article is Ukrainian or Russian, then two reference lists should be completed: the first one (reference list in original language) – according to the DSTU 8302:2015 “Bibliographic references: general statements and compilation rules”; the second one should be in English and in Latin characters (transliteration) – “References” (Annex B). If the reference has digital object identifier DOI, then it should be given at the end of the description, for example, doi: 10. 20998/2522-9052.2017.1.09.

Information about the authors must contain:

  • full name;
  • scientific degree, academic title, position, affiliation;
  • e-mail.

The authors should:

  • ensure that results of research contained in the article constitute independent and original work;
  • present the original article, that has not been submitted to other journals and that has not been previously published in other publications;
  • provide reliable results of the conducted research;
  • recognize the contribution of all persons who influenced the research or helped to define the nature of the scientific work presented in the article;
  • in case of using the work fragments by other's or borrowing other authors materials, the authors are required to provide complete bibliographic references with the obligatory indication of the author and primary source;
  • submitted materials will not be returned to the author.

Independent expert reviewing is carried out for evaluation of articles by specialists that are not the members of the editorial board. An editorial board sends most of the scientific articles for external reviewing by independent peer reviewers.

Conflicts of interests.

All the members of independent reviewing and publishing processes must reveal the information about any kinds of relations that can be considered as potential resource of conflicts of interests. This demand is also related to authors and reviewers. Editor-in-chief and editorial board members decide to publish the information revealed by authors, which is related to the potential conflicts only after agreement with the authors.