Substantiation of the possibility of accelerated refueling of auto-armored vehicles in conditions of special operations
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Conducting special operations to neutralize illegal armed groups that operate over wide areas is a challenging task. Its successful solution requires a comprehensive support of the operation. Conducting special operation is not possible without a clear and permanent system of logistics. The course and outcome of the operation depends on how well and timely the troops will be provided with everything necessary. The current battle is characterized by high dynamism, strength and short-term, abrupt changes in the situation. Modern and fast refueling of the armored vehicles with fuel in combat is one of the basic conditions for support combat readiness. Reduction of time filling by fuel armored vehicles is an important task that affects of the success of military operations. Analysis of existing methods of fueling vehicles (armored vehicles) in field conditions, with the corresponding not hiding signs for refueling fuel technology, with a concentration on technology and site servicing considerable time to conduct refueling in terms of illegal armed groups, shows the vitality of means low servicing. To improve the survivability of the system "vehicle - vehicle refueling" by reducing time refueling dispersal vehicles during refueling for fuel flow can use the mechanical energy of the car, which fueled (without using additional means of filling). However, as the capacitances of fuel used in flexible containers that provide fuel displacement are at running wheel of the car, which fueled. The work proved and proposed a new way to deliver fuel and rapid refueling of cars (armored vehicles) in the field conditions during the special operation that will reduce the likelihood of defeats increased survivability and technology, to refuse filling existing methods. Results of calculation are consistent with previous experimental studies that argue that the elastic reservoir is not broken when hitting the wheel of the car and allow you to use it to determine the parameters of armored vehicles. Using the method of rapid refueling of cars would reduce the likelihood of defeat armored vehicles cars and increase its survivability by 15 - 25% in contrast to the existing methods of filling.
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