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Research relevance: Since ancient times, people have widely used methods of concealment and coding during information sharing, and ensuring the protection of information is currently relevant. Encryption methods are developing daily in order to ensure the reliable protection of confidential information and the exchange of data on the network. The subject and purpose of the research are to develop an encryption method, which is based on the ideology of book cipher and uses web pages as a cryptographic key, in the organization of a secure exchange of information. The following tasks are solved in the article: The article provides information about book cipher and analyzes modern methods of book cipher, as well as proposes a novel encryption method involving the use of web pages as a cryptographic key. Research methods: In the paper methods of analysis and synthesis are used. Obtained results and conclusions: The possibility of transforming the book cipher is proved, and a novel encryption method involving the use of web pages as a cryptographic key is proposed. The article also provides a comparison between the proposed encryption method involving the use of Internet pages as a cryptographic key with the classic book cipher method.
Article Details
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