Design and optimization of structured cables systems for automation of production processes of the enterprise

Main Article Content

Tetiana Smirnova
Kostiantyn Buravchenko
Andrii Shcherban
Eduard Bahdasarian
Anna Kovalenko


The object of research is the process of improving the network architecture of enterprises in order to further optimize production processes. The subject of research is the design and optimization of structured cabling systems to automate the production processes of the enterprise. The aim of the work is to improve the method of designing and optimizing structured cabling systems for the transport needs of the cellular network for the needs of the enterprise. The study determined that the process of planning a radio network to automate production processes of the enterprise must be performed in accordance with the following sequence of steps: design of radio network coverage to determine the location of each base station (5G - gNb) and construction of communication transport segment with location cross-country premises. In this paper, research is conducted on the construction of a communication transport segment with the location of cross-country premises. For this purpose, the scope of the statistical method is determined and the choice of the location of the technical premises of the cross floor is substantiated. Conclusions. The research conducted in this paper allowed to develop methods for improving the network architecture of enterprises in order to further optimize production processes. As part of this, a 5G network planning method was developed to automate the production processes of the enterprise, which is to consistently ensure the design of the radio network coverage to determine the location of each base station using an optimized model to estimate the loss of radio signal power. bandwidth, number of connections and reliability and construction of the communication transport segment with the determination of the optimal location of cross-country premises. The developed method makes it possible to plan the optimal structure of the 5G cellular network to optimize production processes, evaluate and reduce the total cost of building the network, while providing the necessary indicators of service quality of network nodes and its reliability.

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How to Cite
Smirnova, T. ., Buravchenko, K., Shcherban, A., Bahdasarian, E., & Kovalenko, A. . (2022). Design and optimization of structured cables systems for automation of production processes of the enterprise. Advanced Information Systems, 6(1), 129–133.
Applied problems of information systems operation
Author Biographies

Tetiana Smirnova, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of cybersecurity and software academic department

Kostiantyn Buravchenko, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of cybersecurity and software academic department

Andrii Shcherban, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine

PhD graduate student

Eduard Bahdasarian, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine

PhD graduate student

Anna Kovalenko, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of cybersecurity and software academic department


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