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Bayram İbrahimov
Elshan Hashimov
Aziz Talibov
Arif Hasanov


The fiber-optic communication lines and fiber-optic transmission systems using fiber-optic cable, receiving and transmitting optical modules based on WDM and DWDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing & Dense WDM) technologies are studied. A method for calculating the transmission characteristics fiber-optic communication lines is proposed and relationships are obtained that establish an analytical relationship between the length regeneration section and the transmission rate. This paper discusses the study and analysis indicators fiber-optic communication lines using spectral WDM and DWDM technologies.

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How to Cite
İbrahimov, B., Hashimov, E., Talibov, A., & Hasanov, A. (2022). RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS INDICATORS FIBER-OPTIC COMMUNICATION LINES USING SPECTRAL TECHNOLOGIES. Advanced Information Systems, 6(1), 61–64.
Information systems research
Author Biographies

Bayram İbrahimov, Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, Azerbaijan

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of department of Adjuncture and science

Elshan Hashimov, Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, Azerbaijan

Doctor in national security and military sciences, Professor, Professor of department of Adjuncture and science

Aziz Talibov, Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, Azerbaijan

Doctor in national security and military sciences, Professor, Professor of department of Adjuncture and science

Arif Hasanov, Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku Azerbaijan

PhD in National security and Military Sciences, associate professor, Professor of department of Adjuncture and science


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