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Victor Krasnobayev
Sergey Koshman
Dmytro Kovalchuk


The subject of the article is the development of a method for implementing the arithmetic operation of adding the residuals of numbers, which are represented in the system of residual classes (RNS). This method is based on the use of positional binary adders. The purpose of the article is to improve the performance of computer systems (CS) and their components by introducing new ways of organizing calculations based on the use of RNS. Tasks: to analyze and identify the shortcomings of the existing number systems that are used in the construction of computer systems and components; explore possible ways to eliminate the identified deficiencies; explore the structure of binary positional adders, taking into account the scheme for adding two residues of numbers modulo RNS; to develop a method for constructing adders modulo RNS, which is based on the use of a set of binary single-digit positional adders. Research methods: methods of analysis and synthesis of computer systems, number theory, coding theory in RNS. The following results are obtained. The paper shows that one of the promising ways to improve the performance of the CS is the use of RNS. The mathematical basis of RNS is the Chinese remainder theorem, which states that an integer operation on one large modulus can be replaced by a set of operations on coprime small modules. This opens up broad prospects for optimizing calculations. On the one hand, it is possible to significantly simplify the performance of complex and cumbersome calculations, including on low-resource computing platforms. On the other hand, calculations for different modules can be performed in parallel, which increases the performance of the CS. Conclusions. The article considers the operation of adding two numbers. This operation is the basis for both traditional positional number systems and RNS, i.e. forms the computational basis of all existing CS components. A new method for calculating the sum of the residuals of numbers modulo an arbitrary is proposed, and examples are given that clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. This method can be used in various computer applications, including for improving computing performance, ensuring fault tolerance, etc.

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How to Cite
Krasnobayev, V., Koshman, S., & Kovalchuk, D. (2022). THE CONCEPT OF PERFORMING THE ADDITION OPERATION IN THE SYSTEM OF RESIDUAL CLASSES. Advanced Information Systems, 6(1), 43–47.
Methods of information systems synthesis
Author Biographies

Victor Krasnobayev, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Professor of Electronics and Control Systems Department

Sergey Koshman, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, asc. professor, Professor of Information Systems and Technologies Security Department

Dmytro Kovalchuk, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

PhD student of Information Systems and Technologies Security Department


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