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This research subject represents the transfer function of a system above the second order. Research goal: to simplify the system stability assessment process for transfer functions higher than second order based on the stability triangle and inequations of the transfer functions coefficients’ acceptable values. Task: to simplify the system stability assessment; to investigate the characteristic equation and determine limiting inequations. Methods used: Jury stability criterion, the analytical method for stability determining the when graphical representation used on the stability triangle basis, the characteristic equation analytical solution, and mathematic modeling. The following results have been obtained: the maximum permissible coefficient values are found, as well as limiting inequations for the transfer function coefficients. Found are the correlation coefficients between the easily determined maximum theoretical values of these coefficients and their practical values, the correction coefficients’ functional dependences being obtained. Conclusions: based on the research done to estimate the coefficients’ boundaries for frequency-dependent components above the second order, necessary is to determine the characteristic equation coefficients maximum values multiplying them by the correction coefficients obtained at this research issue.
Article Details
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