Mixed consistency of the data in multicloud systems

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Olha Kozina
Nataliia Stratiienko


In multi-cloud systems, supporting of an adaptive level of consistency of data when they are located in data centers of different owners remains a problem that is why the subject of study in the article is the mixed consistency of the data of such projects. Known consistency models based on the assumption that not all data have to the same level of consistency haven't got a common paradigm allowing to be used them for multicloud systems. The goal of the work is to develop an adaptive model of mixed consistency. The task to be solved is to formalize the procedure for forming a multi-layered nested map of consistency of the data located in different owner's cloud systems. The methods used are the protomolecular approach, graph theoretic methods, mathematical modeling. The following results were obtained: the protomolecular approach has allowed to forming a model of an multi-layered map of consistency of the data. The metric for each undivided unit of the model, which is a cortege from the consistency rank, from the interval of the rank change and from the degree of update influence is developed. Proposed model gives ability of management of necessary strength of data consistency by developers according to semantic of a project. The ability of automatic dynamic adaptation of strength degree of data consistency during functioning of the project is considered. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is as follows: the model of mixed consistency of the data located in cloud systems of different owners was proposed by defining the protomolecular approach. Creation and maintenance of the proposed adaptive mixed model of the data consistency requires additional actions from developers during deploying and maintaining data in a multi-cloud system, but it allows to reduce the cost of cloud services maintaining.

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How to Cite
Kozina, O., & Stratiienko, N. (2018). Mixed consistency of the data in multicloud systems. Advanced Information Systems, 2(2), 23–29. https://doi.org/10.20998/2522-9052.2018.2.04
Information systems modeling
Author Biographies

Olha Kozina, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Computing Technology and Programming

Nataliia Stratiienko, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Software Engineering and Information Technology Management


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