Method of multiagent web-oriented environment synthesis based on information satellites

Main Article Content

Igor Shostak
Andrii Sobchak
Olga Popova
Maksim Mischenko


Purpose. Creation of a favorable web-oriented environment through the production of satellite agents in the form of doorways, which makes it possible to increase the information content of the object of production of a virtual instrument-making enterprise. Results. In the article the method of increasing the informative value of the Virtual Instrument Making Enterprise products using information satellites is considered, based on the synthesis of a multi-agent web-based environment through the production of satellite agents in the form of doorways. A detailed step-by-step algorithm for creating such information satellites in the form of doorway sites, with a basic emphasis on informativeness, is disclosed. The main problem related to the loss of production potential, as well as its solution using the proposed method, is presented. Conclusions.The method allows not only to adapt equipment to the market by means of its timely modernization, but also allows to provide market conditions, competitiveness of products and their sale with minimum expenses of monetary resources, which determines the demand for production and forms a portfolio of orders.

Article Details

How to Cite
Shostak, I., Sobchak, A., Popova, O., & Mischenko, M. (2017). Method of multiagent web-oriented environment synthesis based on information satellites. Advanced Information Systems, 1(1), 16–21.
Methods of information systems synthesis
Author Biographies

Igor Shostak, National Aerospace University - Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Software Engineering

Andrii Sobchak, National Aerospace University - Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering management

Olga Popova, National Aerospace University - Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv

Applicant of the Department of Engineering management

Maksim Mischenko, National Aerospace University - Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv

Student of the Aviation Engine Faculty


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