Modeling of the high-speed punching drummer barriersas a set of hollow cylinders

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Anatolii Kovtun
Volodimir Tabunenko


Were analyzed the characteristics of damaging elements of artillery systems and small arms. Were analyzed the characteristics and structures of personal Armor protection. Modern protection has layered structure. The main blow of high speed sub munitions takes the hard plate. They can be made of metal or high-strength double-layer panels. At a meeting with the panel the toe of bullet was destroyed. As a result of growing area of interaction between the bullet and the panel, there is a deflection and uncoupling ceramic bullet while destruction. When you hit the drummer in the obstacle created several types of wave perturbations that propagate with different velocities. These effects cause is a complex stress state structure, whose intensity decreases rapidly with time. The aim of the article is to investigate the interaction of high-striker with a protective barrier in the form of a set of hollow cylinders. The methods that are used: Improving personal armor protection can be achieved by applying the optimum combination of new materials and advanced structural and circuit design. Character penetration drummer an obstacle may change if the obstacle is to imagine a structure that consists of a set of hollow cylinders. Considered the process of interaction, of high-speed impactor, with a protective barrier, in the form of a set of hollow cylinders. In contact with the surface layer drummer obstacles by having an expanded, drummer enters the hollow cylinder, which closely hugs the side surface of the impactor, creating resistance to motion. When moving drummer in the cylinder is converting kinetic energy into energy impactor cylinder and deformation work to overcome friction. Thus, the energy of drummer extinguished intermediate layer and redistributed to the power frame inner layer. following results are obtained. The proposed a model to determine the depth of penetration drummer an obstacle in the form of a set of hollow cylinders. There are results of the calculations. It is proposed to further improve the protection of personal Armor achieve by applying the optimum combination of new materials and advanced structural and circuit design.

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How to Cite
Kovtun, A., & Tabunenko, V. (2017). Modeling of the high-speed punching drummer barriersas a set of hollow cylinders. Advanced Information Systems, 1(1), 5–10.
Information systems modeling
Author Biographies

Anatolii Kovtun, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Exploitation and Repair of Automobiles and Military Vehicles

Volodimir Tabunenko, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Exploitation and Repair of Automobiles and Military Vehicles


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