Method of an unmanned aerial vehicle composition route in space

Main Article Content

Denys Voloshyn
Veronika Brechko
Serhii Semenov


The article is devoted to the development of a method of composition of the route of an unmanned aerial vehicle in three-dimensional space. The main difference of the presented method is the complex consideration of the features of the environment, which reflects the possible obstacles (active or passive) and other limitations of the problem when composing the route of the unmanned aerial vehicle in three-dimensional space. This allowed to increase the safety of the task in autonomous flight conditions. The article analyzes the main approaches to the composition of unmanned aerial vehicle routes in space. The conclusion about the shortcomings of the two-dimensional representation is made. The method presents four stages of the task. This is the stage of modeling the environment that reflects possible obstacles (active or passive) and other limitations of the task. Stage of construction of an extended graph of unmanned aerial vehicle routes in space. The difference of this stage is the adaptive consideration of the spatial location of active obstacles in space. The next stage is the route search stage, which connects the starting point with the end and bypasses all obstacles and allows you to build a starting route in the form of a broken line, which is formed by a sequence of waypoints, and connects the starting point with the end, bypassing obstacles. The last is the stage of obtaining the final result, which is provided by smoothing the obtained broken line. In this part of the composition method, to solve the problem of smoothing the trajectory of the unmanned aerial vehicle in space on the selected route, the expediency of using the method of non-uniform cubic B-spline is proved. With the help of this method the task of selection and optimization of the smoothing parameter is set and solved.

Article Details

How to Cite
Voloshyn, D., Brechko, V., & Semenov, S. (2021). Method of an unmanned aerial vehicle composition route in space. Advanced Information Systems, 5(4), 26–33.
Methods of information systems synthesis
Author Biographies

Denys Voloshyn, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, Ukraine

graduate student of Computer Engineering and Programming Department

Veronika Brechko, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Computer Engineering and Programming Department

Serhii Semenov, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Computer Engineering and Programming Department


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