Evaluation of the speed of the plant photosynthesis process with a fuzzy description of impact factors and indicators

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Ruslan Pashchenko
Maksym Mariushko


The subject of the study is evaluation of the speed (intensity) of the crop photosynthesis process with a fuzzy description of external impact factors and special indicators. The object of the study is to determine the speed (intensity) of the plant photosynthesis process at a given time with known impact factors and indicators of the photosynthesis process, obtained using remote sensing data. The goal of this work is to consider the possibility of applying fuzzy set theory to problem solving of evaluation the speed of the plant photosynthesis. As a result of the study, a fuzzy description of impact factors and indicators of the plant photosynthesis process was introduced. Based on this description, a method was developed to decide on the nature (speed) of the photosynthesis process taking into account NDVI and fractal dimension. The results of determining the speed of the plant photosynthesis process with three different values sets of impact factors and indicators of the photosynthesis process are presented. Conclusions. It is shown which fuzzy values of factors and indicators impact the evaluation of the speed of the plant photosynthesis process.

Article Details

How to Cite
Pashchenko, R., & Mariushko, M. (2021). Evaluation of the speed of the plant photosynthesis process with a fuzzy description of impact factors and indicators. Advanced Information Systems, 5(3), 31–39. https://doi.org/10.20998/2522-9052.2021.3.05
Methods of information systems synthesis
Author Biographies

Ruslan Pashchenko, O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Maksym Mariushko, National Aerospace University named after N.Ye. Zhukovskiy «Kharkov Aviation Institute», Kharkov, Ukraine

Teaching Assistant of Geoinformation Technologies and Space Monitoring of the Earth Department


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