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Азіз Машалла Талібов
Бахтіяр Вагиф Гулієв


The article proposes a methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of a logistics center that provides technical support to redeploying troops. It is noted that the development of this method is based on the assessment of the efficiency of the logistics center, taking into account its economically efficient functionality, without regard to the use of classical profitability. The author analyzes the structure of capital expenditure and operating expenses allocated for the establishment of a logistics center, proposing the maintenance and repair expenses for each unit of equipment as the main criterion, proposing their calculation in the general case, and substantiating the military-economic indicators of the center. An analysis of the structure of capital expenditure and operating expenses aimed at organizing a logistics center, as well as the military-economic indicators of this center, gives grounds to note the following results: the structure of capital expenditure and operating expenses associated with designing a logistics center for the troops has been elaborated; the calculation method has been developed, taking into account the available resources, communications and infrastructure, information reflected in the annual plans for the operation and maintenance of automotive and armored vehicles of military units; the calculation methodology developed on the basis of the structure of capital expenditure and operating expenses on the organization of a logistics center also reflects the infrastructure indicators related to the geographic location of the center (the distance of the logistics center from the transport hub and the military units it services); the proposed method can be used to choose a geographic location that is favorable from the point of view of economic profitability for organizing a logistics center for the troops; using this method, it is possible to compare the economic aspects of various options of organizing military logistics.

Article Details

How to Cite
Талібов, А. М., & Гулієв, Б. В. (2021). A METHOD FOR ASSESSING THE MILITARY-ECONOMIC INDICATORS WITH THE PURPOSE OF LOCATING A LOGISTICS CENTER FOR REDEPLOYING TROOPS. Advanced Information Systems, 5(2), 152–158. https://doi.org/10.20998/2522-9052.2021.2.23
Applied problems of information systems operation
Author Biographies

Азіз Машалла Талібов, Institute of Control Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku

PhD, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Control Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

Бахтіяр Вагиф Гулієв, War College of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic Baku

doctoral student


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