Model and method of making management decisions based on the analysis of geospatial information

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Ihor Butko


The article proposes a model and method of making managerial decisions based on the analysis of geospatial information. The goal of the article is to improve the model and method of making managerial decisions based on the analysis of geospatial information. The results: the algorithm of process of acceptance of the administrative decision which consists of a situational and conceptual part is offered; the algorithm of actions of the head of the organization on the basis of the developed model of acceptance of the administrative decision is offered; the situation when the quality of the decision depends on external factors on which the decision-making body does not influence is considered; the general scheme of a method of acceptance of administrative decisions on the basis of the analysis of the geospatial information is resulted. The methods used are: methods of systems analysis, decision theory, information processing, optimal solutions, probability theory. Conclusions. The model of managerial decision-making has been improved, which, unlike the known ones, is dynamic and is based on the selection of decisions that are optimal by the combined criterion, using predictive values of probabilities of environmental conditions, which ensures the validity of management decisions. The method of managerial decision-making based on geospatial information analysis, which is based on data forecasting and management decision-making models and uses the method of semantic segmentation of species images to assess the a priori probabilities of environmental conditions, further enables decision-making in conditions of risk and uncertainty. The direction of further research is the development of information technology for management decisions based on the analysis of geospatial information.

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How to Cite
Butko, I. (2021). Model and method of making management decisions based on the analysis of geospatial information. Advanced Information Systems, 5(2), 42–48.
Adaptive control methods
Author Biography

Ihor Butko, SE «State Land Cadaster», Kyiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy general director of SE «State Land Cadaster»


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