Modeling the spatial distribution of magnetic fields of low frequency multiple sources

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Larysa Levchenko


The work is show that in conditions of dense the location of electrical equipment in the premises, buildings and on territories to ensure the regulatory levels of electromagnetic compatibility of personnel and the population, it is advisable to carry out preliminary modeling of the propagation of electromagnetic fields it is advisable. Considering the insignificant shielding of the magnetic field by the equipment cases, it is advisable to carry out modeling based on the magnetic component of the electromagnetic field. The mathematical ratio of the propagation of the magnetic field of individual sources, taking into account their dipole model, has been determined. The modeling was carried out for sources of the dipole and dipole-quadrupole types. Three-dimensional models of sources with the propagation of dipole, quadrupole and dipole-quadrupole harmonics of the field are provided, using the Matlab package. Application software has been developed in the C environment, using the SQL server database, and modeling of the propagation of the magnetic field of many sources in a certain plane has been carried out. This result is show that even for electrical equipment that operates to determine the reduced magnetic field isolines experimentally very difficult. At the design stages of equipment placement, modeling is the only tool for predicting the electromagnetic environment, which determines the electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment and the electromagnetic safety of personnel and the public.

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How to Cite
Levchenko, L. (2021). Modeling the spatial distribution of magnetic fields of low frequency multiple sources. Advanced Information Systems, 5(2), 34–37.
Information systems modeling
Author Biography

Larysa Levchenko, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky KPI”, Kyiv

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Automation of projection of power processes and systems


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