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The threat to information security for the air navigation service providers represents a potential violation of information security of the information infrastructure elements in the air traffic management system such as communications, navigation and surveillance equipment, and the information and telecommunication systems. Typically, a threat results from the presence of vulnerable components in the protection of information technology as part of air navigation service providers’ activity. Most of the approaches and techniques of international aviation organizations and best-practices of air navigation service providers are focused on developing risk methods and models regarding aviation safety. A well-known problem with aviation safety risk assessment is that it does not take into account the information and cyber security threats. The subject of the article is exploration of methods and models for risk assessment of air navigation service providers. The purpose is the development of model of functional hazard assessment and set of information security requirements for air navigation service providers. The proposed model of functional hazard assessment differs from the known by detailing of information security sphere. The software model of functional hazard assessment was developed via MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. Practical significance is that the obtained results allow air navigation service providers to make better decisions regarding management systems maturity improvement.
Article Details
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