Decision support methods in optical research
Main Article Content
Decision support methods are developed for the problems in applied optics in which it is necessary to make decisions about image quality and its compliance with the requirements that are determined by its further use. The choice of the calibrated theoretical image on which correctness of carrying out of settlement work is checked is discussed. An algorithm according to which the obtained numerical image is improved is given. The paper identifies the disadvantages of machine vision systems, such as defects in system elements, system debugging, noise, unsuccessful experimental scheme that reduce the quality of the experimental image. To establish the relationship between the causes and consequences of defects, a table with the causes of the defects formation in the diffraction pattern according to the scheme of Ishikawa is builded. The quality and ways to improve the experimental image are established using a Pareto diagram. Improvement occurs iteratively and allows to improve gradually the image quality to the maximum possible value in the experimental scheme. Two stages of decision-making are introduced - the first determines the perfection of the experimental image, and the second its acceptability as the main result of the work according to experts’ opinion. The completeness of the alternatives in the analysis is given by the recommendations for further action, and the magnitude of the error due to a combination of two methods: Pareto diagram and experts opinion does not exceed 5 %.
Article Details
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