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Eugene Aleksandrov
Tetiana Aleksandrova
Iryna Kostianyk
Yaroslav Morgun


Widely used in the practice of analysis and synthesis of automatic control systems of non-stationary dynamic systems, the method of “frozen coefficients” does not have a rigorous theoretical justification and does not always lead to the desired results. In this regard, to solve the problem of parametric synthesis of a non-stationary automatic control system of the course stability of the car, an algorithmic method is considered for choosing the variable parameters of the regulators of non-stationary objects, based on the direct calculation of the additive integral quadratic quality functional that reflects the set of requirements for the automatic regulator of a non-stationary object, followed by finding the values of the variable parameters a regulator delivering a minimum of quality functional, and the required values of the weight coefficients of the additive functional.

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How to Cite
Aleksandrov, E., Aleksandrova, T., Kostianyk, I., & Morgun, Y. (2020). PARAMETRIC SYNTHESIS OF А NON-STATIONARY AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM OF THE COURSE STABILITY OF THE CAR. Advanced Information Systems, 4(2), 51–59.
Methods of information systems synthesis
Author Biographies

Eugene Aleksandrov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Kharkiv

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of automobiles

Tetiana Aleksandrova, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of Systems Analysis and Information-Analytical Technologies

Iryna Kostianyk, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv

PhD, Associate Professor Department of Information Technologies and Systems of Wheel and Track Machines named after Morozov

Yaroslav Morgun, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv

graduate student Department of Systems Analysis and Information-Analytical Technologies


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