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Siavush Mamed Babayev
Lamia H. Mammadova


The preparation of operations the definition of number of ammuniation and technical means involved (used) in tactical group is one of the main matter. In many cases it is required to minimize the estimated casualties among the personnel by taking into account the number of ammunation, weaponry, crew, special  forces involved in forming the tactical group. The article is devoted to the programme providing the mathematical model called “Optimal”  which deals with the optimizing the content of the tactical group by minimizing the casualties. The program is designed in Visual Studio environment and written in C# algorithm language. In order to use the programme you have to have NET Framework v4.0.30319 version in your operational system.

Article Details

How to Cite
Babayev, S. M., & Mammadova, L. H. (2019). "OPTIMAL" SOFTWARE FOR CALCULATION OF THE TACTIC GROUP COMPOSITION. Advanced Information Systems, 3(4), 115–117. https://doi.org/10.20998/2522-9052.2019.4.17
Applied problems of information systems operation
Author Biographies

Siavush Mamed Babayev, War College of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic, Baku


Lamia H. Mammadova, Institute of System Control of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku

doctoral student


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