Ensemble of shallow convolutional neural networks for classification of gender in video stream

Main Article Content

Oleksii Gorokhovatskyi
Olena Peredrii


Subjects of the research are neural network models for a person’s gender classification by the image of a person when processing a video stream. The goal is to investigate the effectiveness of individual shallow neural networks and ensembles created from them to solve the problem of classifying a person’s gender in a video stream, which is processed as a sequence of individual frames. Tasks include the development of mathematical models to process a sequence of frames with accumulation using different strategies, investigation of their effectiveness for solving the classification problem, compiling ensembles of shallow convolutional neural networks. Following methods are used: neural networks modeling, data mining, mathematical statistics, functional analysis, computer modeling. Results follows: it is shown that the classification accuracy can be improved both through the use of different voting models of the individual frames classification results, and through the use of ensembles of shallow convolutional neural networks. The insignificant hardware and software resources that are required for their training and use make it possible to increase the classification speed by several times in comparison with the results of classification by neural networks, that have more complex architecture. Conclusions. The contribution is in  the creation of ensembles of shallow neural networks, the general decision in which is made after the generalization by various voting methods with confidence both the classification results of individual frames and the classification results of the same frame by different networks, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy and speed of classification. The practical significance of the work is in the creation of a method that makes it possible to provide an acceptable classification accuracy and significantly improve performance by using shallow neural network architectures.

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How to Cite
Gorokhovatskyi, O., & Peredrii, O. (2019). Ensemble of shallow convolutional neural networks for classification of gender in video stream. Advanced Information Systems, 3(4), 74–79. https://doi.org/10.20998/2522-9052.2019.4.11
Intelligent information systems
Author Biographies

Oleksii Gorokhovatskyi, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Computer Engineering Department

Olena Peredrii, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Computer Science and Computer Engineering Department


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