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Significance. A human-operator cannot conduct a situation assessment in a timely manner and to react in a proper manner when situation changes. The problem is worsening with the uncertain procedure of selection of dispatchers for duty shifts in control centers and their adequate preparation to carry out the tasks for intended purpose. This doesn’t allow to reach the adequate level of competency during the process of their professional activities. Aim of the article. Developing an imitation model of the operator's complex activities to make a decision based on the situation assessment. The results of the work. The analysis of automated air traffic control system (AATCS) operator activities while assessing the situation with use of existing automation complexes allowed to identify following limitations of informational support of AATCS, which are influencing the effectiveness of its work. Most of the time of situation assessment (up to 41%) is spent by operator to receive additional information from another decision makers and informational elements, showed as part of informational model (IM). These time expenditures are due to low level of information content of information elements presented as part of IM and which are not corresponding to the character of the operator's activity in situation assessment. Methods for reducing the errors of the ACS operator can be divided into the following groups: automation of the most complex operations; introduction of information redundancy at the stage of designing systems for ensuring operators activities; increasing the workload of operators; advanced training for the operator; increased responsibility for errors with increasing interest in error-free operation etc. Conclusions. The generalized analysis of the operator's activity is conducted, the features of the operator's work with the information model are marked; the directions of the conceptual model formation in the decision-making process during the situation assessment are determined; simulation modeling has been carried out and a model of the operator's activity has been developed for the study of the activities of decision-makers during the situation assessment; giving the estimation of time expenses for performance of the various actions connected with the analysis of information models in various conditions.
Article Details
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