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Natalia Liubchenko
Oleksandr Nakonechnyi
Andrii Podorozhniak
Hanna Siulieva


The subject matter of the article is the method of automating the identification of vehicle plate numbers based on the processing of one-aspect images obtained using video recording means. The goal is to provide automation of the process of identifying vehicle plate numbers within a wide range of changing the viewing angles and the levels of illumination. The task is formulation of the method of automated identification of vehicle plate numbers on one-aspect images, which are obtained by means of video fixation within wide limits of changing both the viewing angles and the levels of illumination. Analysis of the problems of methods and algorithms of automated detection and recognition of vehicle plate numbers has shown that it is most promising to use flexible algorithms that adapt to the changing conditions of observation of traffic control devices. One of the promising technologies for implementing such algorithms is the application of artificial neural networks. The solution of the problem of recognition of vehicle plate numbers can be represented as a complex of image processing and analysis of algorithms, which includes the initial preparation of the image, the discovery of the area of the vehicle plate on the image, the segmentation of symbols and the recognition of symbols. Conclusions: an algorithmically implemented method of identifying vehicle plate numbers, which makes possible searching the text areas under an arbitrary angle in different lighting conditions, is proposed. This method allows automating the process of identification of vehicle plate numbers within a wide range of distances to the car, as well as viewing the angles and levels of illumination. The purpose of further research is to improve the proposed method for its implementation, using modern software and hardware.

Article Details

How to Cite
Liubchenko, N., Nakonechnyi, O., Podorozhniak, A., & Siulieva, H. (2018). AUTOMATION OF VEHICLE PLATE NUMBERS IDENTIFICATION ON ONE-ASPECT IMAGES. Advanced Information Systems, 2(1), 52–55.
Intelligent information systems
Author Biographies

Natalia Liubchenko, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Intellectual Property

Oleksandr Nakonechnyi, Kharkiv National Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub, Kharkiv

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department

Andrii Podorozhniak, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Programming

Hanna Siulieva, Kharkiv National Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub, Kharkiv



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