Table method for processing digital information in the system of residual classes
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In the article subject of the study is the data processing in the data processing systems, which are built on the basis of non-positional number system in the residual classes (SRС). The purpose of the article is to develop a tabular method for digital data processing presented in the SRС. Objectives: to investigate the features of using tabular arithmetic in SRС; to explore the existing tabular methods for implementing modular arithmetic operations; to develop an improved tabular method for implementing arithmetic operations in SRС, which will reduce the number of hardware matrix schemes. The used methods are: methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as methods of number theory. The following results were obtained. The digital structure of the tables of modular operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication was analyzed, so a new original tabular method for implementing arithmetic operations in the SRС was developed. This method is based on the use of the table multiplication code, which acquired a new quality and became a universal table code for performing three arithmetic operations. This method makes it possible to synthesize a constructively simple and fast operating device in the SRС. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is: the table method for processing digital information has been improved, despite the information difference in the properties of the digital data of table structures, implementing modular operations in the SRС, allows to implement only 0.25 parts of complete tables, which was previously supposed impossible. The results of the research should be used in systems and devices for processing large arrays of digital data in real time.
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