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Dmytro Gryshmanov
Galina Pukhalskaya
Olexander Yarokhowytch
Oleksii Pysarchuk


Development and implementation new service ways in the air traffic services system are connected with the solution of complex tasks researching the features of familiar business models of duty shift and determination the direction of their development. The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing business model of area control centers of air traffic controllers and search areas for their improvements. It is shown that insufficiently addressed issues relating to the problems of interaction between the air traffic controllers among themselves and with automation tools. In this regard, the harmonization of the business models is needed in order to research, process information and training tasks, that takes into consideration the requirements of visibility and accessibility, while maintaining the possibility of analytical and experimental studies. To improve the business model of the area control center duty shift has been proposed to add other elements into the situation detection scheme and classify the initiating situations. Conclusion. The article shows that it is rational to complement existing methods of modeling activities of air traffic controllers by structurally-algorithmic analysis method and method of generalized network models activity in order to address the research, information and training tasks.

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How to Cite
Gryshmanov, D., Pukhalskaya, G., Yarokhowytch, O., & Pysarchuk, O. (2018). APPLICATION OF THE STRUCTURAL-ALGORITHMIC ANALYSIS METHOD FOR MODELING WORK DUTY SHIFT AREA CONTROL CENTERS. Advanced Information Systems, 2(1), 5–10.
Information systems modeling
Author Biographies

Dmytro Gryshmanov, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kropyvnytsyi

Postgraduate student of the Department of Flight Operation, Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics

Galina Pukhalskaya, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kropyvnytsyi

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department

Olexander Yarokhowytch, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kropyvnytsyi

Postgraduate student of the Department of Flight Operation, Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics

Oleksii Pysarchuk, National Aviation University, Kropyvnytsyi

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department


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