The intelligence theory mathematical apparatus formal base
Main Article Content
Purpose. The main task of the theory of intelligence is to describe mathematically the laws governing the intellectual activity of a human. This requires to obtain using physical and objective methods to obtain formal description of the subjective states of a human sufficiently complete for practical purposes. Human thoughts, sensations, perceptions and awareness are all subjective states. This paper is tasked to develop a multidimensional predicate model of comparator identification - the basic experimental method of the intelligence theory and to substantiate the axiomatics of this model. Methods. The comparator identification method developed in this paper provides the possibility of obtaining objective knowledge of subjective states of human intelligence. According to the comparator identification method with his behavior the subject realizes some finite predicate, the properties of which are experimentally studied and mathematically described. The comparator identification method is based on the algebra of finite predicates, Boolean algebra and the axiomatic method. Results. As a result of the comparator identification method application, we obtain a mathematical description of the studied subjective states of a subject, as well as the form of the function underlying the transformation of physical objects into subjective images generated by them. Conclusions. The results of this paper provide a mathematical substantiation of the possibility of using the comparator identification method in human intelligence modeling.
Article Details
Bondarenko, M.F. and Shabanov-Kushnarenko, Yu.P. (2007), Teoriya intellekta [Intelligence theory], SMIT, Kharkіv, 576 р.
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Shabanov-Kushnarenko, S.Yu. and Khudhair Abed Thamer and Leshchynska, I.O. (2013), “Razrabotka predikatnyh modeley logicheskih svyazey ponyatiy” [Development of logical connections concepts predicate models], Zbirnyk Harkivskogo nacionalnogo universytetu Povitryanyh Syl [Collected papers of the Air Force Kharkov National University] [Bulletin of the Ukraine HAC], № 4 (37). pp. 72-75.
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