Synthesis of the asynchronous traction drive control system by the ACOR method
Main Article Content
The subject of the study in the article is the analysis of methods for the synthesis of automatic control systems (ACS) for rolling stock with an asynchronous traction drive (ATD). The goal is assurance the quality of the processes dynamics, the accuracy of bringing objects to a specified point in the phase space, and minimizing energy costs for control processes in conditions of deterministic and random perturbations. The task is selection the method of optimal ACS synthesis, which allows providing the required indicators of ATD work quality. Analysis of the problems of optimal control of moving train traction drive showed that it is most promisingly to use the method of analytic construction of regulators by the criterion of generalized work (ACOR) for the synthesis of object management systems, which are described by systems of nonlinear differential equations. AKOR method allows to synthesize regulators that optimize control processes not only for deterministic, but also for random perturbations. However, the use of this method is possible for objects whose mathematical model is described by a system of differential equations in which control enters linearly. In connection with the fact that controls are non-linear in the ATD, to use the AKOR method, its adaptation was performed and expressions were obtained for the controls that determine the structure of the optimal regulator. Conclusions: an approach for the synthesis of the asynchronous traction drive ACS using the AKOR method is proposed. Adaptation of this method was carried out taking into account nonlinear controls.
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