Methodology for constructing hypsometric cartographic relief models according to the Earth remote sensing data

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Sergey Andrieiev
Volodymyr Zhilin


The subject of this research is the development of a methodology for constructing hypsometric cartographic relief models based on Earth remote sensing (ERS) data. The object of the research is the process of operative and reliable visualization of the terrain according to remote sensing data to provide government, economic and environmental institutions with relevant thematic maps reflecting the current state of the country territory. The objective of the work is to increase the informativeness of the visualization of the earth's surface relief by providing the volume, clarity and readability of cartographic images, as well as the expressiveness and harmony of the design of hypsometric maps. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the methodological foundations for visualization of the terrain, it has been established that this element of the geographical maps content is extremely important because it is the relief that determines the nature and location of landscape components and is closely related to all components of general geographical and thematic maps. The historical and technological aspects of relief mapping, the classification of methods and methods of its representation, as well as the main factors of influence on the choice of methodologies and methods of reproducing the relief, depending on the type of the created map, its scale, projection, purpose, method of use and form of presentation, as well as qualification characteristics of the developers of cartographic images. The basic requirements for the image of the relief are determined, taking into account the need to preserve the characteristic appearance of the landscape, the genetic differences in its forms, the regional characteristics of specific areas and, finally, the aesthetic appeal of the resulting cartographic models. The main properties of hypsometric scales for modeling the relief, as well as modern requirements for them and the principles of their construction, considering the need to comply with the general color harmony and artistry of the color range, have been analyzed. Considering the principles of creating hypsometric scales, a method for constructing hypsometric cartographic relief models based on data from remote sensing of the Earth, has been developed. The methodology provides for the free acquisition of SRTM radar interferometric survey data and, due to their specific processing using the ArcGIS software package, the construction of hypsometric cartographic relief models within 85% of the Earth's surface with a given resolution on the ground, as well as with a given resolution and color plastics of hypsometric scales. At the same time, the necessary reliability, accuracy, efficiency and completeness of three-dimensional perception of the content of geographic relief maps of the area of interest are provided.

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How to Cite
Andrieiev, S., & Zhilin, V. (2020). Methodology for constructing hypsometric cartographic relief models according to the Earth remote sensing data. Advanced Information Systems, 4(4), 11–22.
Information systems modeling
Author Biographies

Sergey Andrieiev, National Aerospace University named after N. Ye. Zhukovskiy "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Geoinformation Technologies and Space Monitoring of the Earth Department

Volodymyr Zhilin, National Aerospace University named after N. Ye. Zhukovskiy "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Geoinformation Technologies and Space Monitoring of the Earth Department


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