A GERT model of an algorithm for analyzing security of a web application

Main Article Content

Anna Semenova
Mark Dubrovskyi
Vitalii Savitskyi


The subject of the study in the article is the mathematical network GERT model algorithm for analyzing the security of web applications, which allows you to find an arbitrary distribution function and the probability density function for the execution time of security of a Web application analysis algorithm. Objectives: The analysis of the problem and formulation of the task, task solution, flow chart of security of a Web application analysis, GERT model of security of a Web application analysis algorithm, probability density function for the execution time of security of a Web application analysis algorithm. The methods that are used: Methods of graph theory, security testing algorithms, methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics. The following results are obtained. An algorithm for testing the security of web applications is developed. A mathematical model of the algorithm for testing Web application security was developed, the model allowed to find an arbitrary distribution function of the statistical value of the vulnerability testing time. The probability distribution function for testing the security of web applications is found. This will make calculations and identify the most likely case of the law of distribution of the random value of the time of testing Web application security. Conclusion. A mathematical model of the algorithm security of a Web application analysis has been developed based on an exponential GERT network that is different from known models through taking into account DOM structure execution or analysis. The model can be used to study processes in automated systems as well as to develop new data security tools and protocols. Using exponential stochastic GERT models makes it possible to employ results obtained in an analytical form (functions, distribution densities) for comparative analysis and studies of more complex computer systems using mathematical methods.

Article Details

How to Cite
Semenova, A., Dubrovskyi, M., & Savitskyi, V. (2017). A GERT model of an algorithm for analyzing security of a web application. Advanced Information Systems, 1(1), 61–64. https://doi.org/10.20998/2522-9052.2017.1.11
Methods of information systems protection
Author Biographies

Anna Semenova, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv

student of the Department of Computer Science and Programming

Mark Dubrovskyi, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University, Kharkiv


Vitalii Savitskyi, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University, Kharkiv



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